I come to the canvas and the page in search of progress rather than absolutes.
A story unfolds, with ups and downs, pitfalls and opportunities, joy and sorrow – in full color for me to see, feel, and digest.
I have a deep desire to engage with life directly, to feel all of what it has to offer, and to embrace its messiness as a creative process. To make art from it. To create meaning and a way forward. To learn. To heal. And to get to know who I’m becoming, in the process. It starts with showing up.
The process helps me go deep, while holding the depth lightly. And if you know me well, I’m the queen of deep… and it can get heavy. My practice helps me avoid taking my ego-self too seriously – even though I still do sometimes, especially when I’m scared and I double-down on perceived control.
What I started taking more seriously was the practice of imagination, play, and storytelling. The images I was creating had so much to teach me, they became more real than “reality” and started shaping my outlook on life and my choices. They started guiding me.
What was it that I was in deep conversation with? Who was on the other end of the brush?
I got to know her as my Soul Self. She taught me about my own power to create, and creation as a function of imagination.
The best I can do then, is to continue cultivating an inner garden in which my spirit is free to imagine and build.
Better yet, I can open up spaces of freedom through imagination for us to share in, so we can keep dreaming and creating together. Join me?