An invitation to trust in your dreams and make them matter in the most remarkable way.

1-on-1 dream consultations

When is the last time you had a dream? What was it like? What was it about? What did you do with it?

Oftentimes we dream vividly as children. During the day and during the night. Our imaginations are so engaged, we are naturals at making things up and navigating the dreamlands.


But “life happens”, we “grow up”, and we’re schooled out of dreaming. “It’s just a dream,” we’re told.


Or life gets so tough, we lose track of our magical child who knows how to walk in the starlight. 


Thankfully dreaming doesn’t go away, and it comes back to us when we choose to make it matter again. Reclaiming our dreams is reclaiming the vivid and potent imagination of the night. 


And since we spend about a third of our lives asleep, that’s time to take a good look under the hood of your daily ride. 


Personally, I dream to go home to the deeper parts of myself that don’t get much air-time during the day. I choose active dreaming to continue engaging with my consciousness in the deep waters of physical rest.


There, I have a chance to get feedback on my choices, workshop ideas, watch the trailer of my next creative project, get inspiration, connect with forces lovingly watching over me, watch over someone else who needs loving presence, face my fears and grow more courageous.


Dreaming is rehearsal ground that can help us navigate our waking lives with more information, support, and creativity.  


Dreaming with intention, or the practice of active dreaming, is another form of art we can all benefit from.


If you are interested in reconnecting with your dreams in a life-affirming way, I offer 1:1 dream consultations to support you.

Interact with your nights’ library of stories, characters, and images to harness your power to understand, heal, inspire, and restore your personal landscape. It is a magical way to reconnect with soul.

Open new paths of possibility.

Sophie Michaud is a wonderful artist, intuitive and dream teacher who can help you to grow big dreams and see them manifest in your world. She has the gift of calling out the inner artist and the magical child in each of us to play better games and give us the imagination and vital energy to open new paths of possibility. She will coax you, gently but irresistibly, to find and live your bigger and braver story, and that can change everything.
Robert Moss, bestselling author of Conscious Dreaming and The Secret History of Dreaming
Robert Moss

Claim Your Nights' Sacred Gifts

Ally bio

As a person who has written down dreams for some time but struggled to unveil their deeper meaning, I entered into my dreamwork time with Sophie as, essentially, a newcomer. Sophie’s gentle guidance was clear and accessible from the moment I sent my first snippet of a dream to her. She provided playful prompts that led me to explore my inner world with love and just enough information to uncover deep treasure within my nighttime story. I explored a dream that scared and frustrated me and Sophie led me to discover a sacred gift it held — including wisdom from an unlikely source. This experience was a wonderful entryway for me to see the power my dreams hold and how they connect to my waking life. Sophie is an experienced dream coach who will guide you to unveil the richness of your nighttime adventures!”


Ally Markotich, Artist and Founder of Soul Kindling LLC


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